
Huey is our therapy dog. He works on the farm with clients everyday. He is a very intuitive animal and takes pride in his connections to other people. He knows when clients are experiencing an emotion and will cofacilitate with Aubrey to alert her to different needs of the clients. When Huey is off duty he can be found swimming in the pond, playing catch, and taking care of his family.


Remi passed away in August of 2023. He was the first horse to begin our program here as well as Aubrey’s personal mount. He will be honored as a part of herd and his spirit will remain in our hearts forever. He will be missed daily nickering in the barn for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and being Aubrey’s trusted cofacilitator through countless sessions. He rests under a rose bush near the counseling office to remain close to those he cherished near and dear.


Meadow is a 5 year old Gypsy Vanner who was donated to Mountain View Farms by Meadowbrook Gypsies and Tasha Landman. They have a breeding program with a passion for supporting programs like ours as well as individuals who are in search of quality horses. They breed animals that are kind, intelligent, and people oriented. Meadow has been a wonderful addition to our program. She has a silly personality that always highlights her love of people and willingness to learn. She can be seen enjoying the sun and green grass out in the pasture, playing with her herd members, or getting into mischief in the barn.


Beau is a 9 year old Gypsy Vanner who we rescued when he was three. When he first arrived he was shy, untrained, and had a broken spirit. He has developed into a favorite here and is used more than any other horse in the herd. He has formed lasting connections with many clients at Mountain View Farms and he continues to steel the hearts of those who meet hime each year. On Beau’s days off he can be found jumping and playing in the pasture like a big dog so proud of all of his moves!


Timbie is a 11 year old Belgian who has driven for the Amish most of his life. Timbie will be on the farm as our driving horse and continues to work on building his confidence under saddle. Timbie loves children and will put his head down low so that he can enjoy a cuddle. In his previous life he worked really hard and didn’t know what it was like to be loved by humans. During his time here he has learned to love his new job and appreciate any connection he can have with people.


Rigel is a 3 year old Gypsy Vanner who came to us from Meadowbrook Gypies and Tasha Landman. Rigel is currently beginning his trail riding exposure and enjoys being out exploring. He has a kind, loving heart with a huge personality. He loves to play and be engaged in anything his fellow herd members are doing. When he’s not working he can be found finding sticks at at wood line of the pasture and chasing his herd members to engage them in a little dog-like game of “keep away”.


Manny is a two year old Paint. He recently joined our herd and will be trained to facilitate along side Aubrey. Currently Manny is working on his baby skills, learning boundaries, ground work, and beginning under saddle. He has a sweet personality and loves to be kissed on his nose. During his time off he can be found playing in the pasture and trying to convince other herd members to chase him.